Monday, January 12, 2009

Joe and Coop's Birthday

Joseph Paul was born @ Noon on Dec. 7th 2005. 8 hours later his cousin, Cooper James, was born in a hospital across town. I will admit @ first I was worried about having boys on the same day with anyone let alone a family member that lives down the street and is in the same ward. I thought they would CONSTANTLY get compared and they would probably hate sharing their birthday... I was wrong. It has been so fun! Cooper and Joseph are not even comparable. There are no two boys less a like. We have shared every birthday party so far and they have loved it! This was their 3rd. Aside from being twin cousins they are BEST FRIENDS! Opposites attract. They got twin Bob the Builder tool sets and twin bikes and so much more. Odd year birthdays are the little family parties and evens are the bigger parties. We have such an awesome family so the "little" family party was huge and the boys got spoiled! Being in December part of our party was making GingerBread houses. We had the party at Cooper's house. Cooper's mom, Kasandra, is a great hostess with great ideas. The party was a hit! Everyone loved it. I love my boy so much!


TJ said...

Joe is so tall, and handsome I might add.

Maren said...

how fun to have a cousin so close in age! i wonder how long the joint parties will last!

Maren said...

i love the new look! and i still want to see your new family pics.

mama donk aubri jo said...

fun! i miss joe! pauyl called us hens, btw, did you hear??? what is the next holiday????