Saturday, January 9, 2010

For Thanksgiving we were so THANKful to get to go to my cousin, Traci's cabin in Strawberry! The kids had so much fun needing their coats! It was a very fun trip!
With A LOT of help, I made my first quilt! Paul and I have wanted a quilt for our bed for a while. He made me the mirror above our bed a couple years ago and this year I made him a quilt to match! I'd like to take the credit but I couldn't have done this alone to save my life! Thank you, helper friends!

We think maybe I was pregnant with twins but the other twin is stuck in Parker's sign of it coming out anytime soon! We love our chubby girl! She pulled her shirt up like this...clothes are just too tight!


Maren said...

cute pics! very impressed with your quilting skills. it turned out great! i feel the same way parker does. : )

mama donk aubri jo said...

your quilt turned out so good! matches perfectly :)

Janalyn said...

Who knew I had a friend with such quilting talent?! It's really nice.
I totally respect Parker for trying to ditch the tight, uncomfortable clothes. I've been doing the same since I was 3.